When you’re in high school, choosing the right college can be really hard and stressful. You have all these options of great schools in great places with great courses but you can only choose one and there is so much pressure to make sure your decision is the right one. After all, your future does kind of sort of depend on it right? So, how do you do it? How do you know you’re making the right choice? Well, first off, when you’re applying to colleges, make sure you look at colleges that have what you need and everything about it. Make sure they have exactly what you need to succeed and get closer to your lifetime career and make sure its somewhere you would like to spend a lot of your time being. Arrange a campus tour and talk with people from there like administers or counselors to get a feel of the campus and campus life. After you’ve found some colleges that you’re interested in, rank them. Choose the one you most want to go to and make that your number one. Go from there with your second, third, and so on choices. Next, apply to all of them. You never know if you’re going to get accepted to your first choice so you always have backups and options. Lastly, see what colleges you have gotten into and pick the one that was ranked your highest out of the choices you are given and you’re on your way.
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