Monday, December 13, 2010
The bat who couldn't fly..
So his name was Bernard. Bernard had always wanted to fly; he tried very hard at it, a lot harder than his 3 sisters, and 9 cousins, and even harder than his 79 second cousins. In fact flying was pretty much instinctive to everyone except Bernard. Of course his poor mother didn’t know what to do. She had tried everything she thought was possible; physiotherapy, dentistry, psychoanalysis, and a lot more, but in the end everyone gave up, and Bernard felt sad. Then one day while Bernard was at the stream, he looked at himself in the reflection, then to his 79 second cousins, then back to himself, then to his 9 cousins, then back to himself, then to his 3 sisters, then to himself and finally to his mother, before abruptly turning back to himself. And that was when Bernard realized he wasn’t a bat at all.
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