Should the internet be censored by parents? This is a question that many are currently asking, due to the increasing amount of pornography and illegal activity now found on the Web. The Internet allows anyone from anywhere to share all types of information about themselves and others. Although many believe censoring the internet is a violation to the first amendment, I personally believe that the Internet should be censored by parents because there are a variety of websites that have graphics that should not be viewed by minors.
Pornography is the main reason why I say the internet should be censored. It is not only bad and unhealthy for minors, but also for married couples as well. Once pornography appeared on the internet, its negativity exploded so quickly that it was able to mess with the minds of any viewer who watched it. It seemed like one day there were normal educational sites and a few personal home pages, and the next there was pornography everywhere. It is getting as bad as to where it is nearly impossible to perform a search in any search engine without running into hundreds of sex sites. It didn't seem to matter what the search was about, the same kind of sites were returned.
So to answer the question "should the internet be censored by parents," I think yes. By censoring the internet from minors, we would limit the risk of children knowing and viewing what sex looks like before their own parents can even explain the real meaning of sexual intercourse.
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